What We are Offering
Our Facilities are set up in a twenty (20) acre campus located 19km to the South of the City of Arusha, with front of the school looking directly at the beautiful Mt. Meru. Our incredible facilities include. Our Facilities are set up in a twenty (20) acre campus located 19km to the South of the City of Arusha, with front of the school looking directly at the beautiful Mt. Meru. Our incredible facilities include:
Administration block
An Administration Block, with four (4) offices (for the Principal, Deputy; Bursar and Administrators) and Stores
Water recycling
Elaborate rainwater harvesting and water recycling system supported by 2.6 million litres of storage capacity
Eight, ICT-enabled classrooms
Several independent labs, centers and institutes engage faculty and students from across the school. Academic departments sponsor numerous other research labs.
Five laboratories
Physics, ICT & GIS; Biology, Chemistry, Geography – each with its own preparation room and stores. The synthesis of teaching and research is fundamental to School. Much of this faculty-driven research takes place within academic departments and interdisciplinary programs.
ICT -Bases Library
Secondary School is home to more than 20 individual libraries, each with a world-class collection of books, journals, films, maps, databases.
School Facilities at a Glance
- For Girls with two floors and 250 capacity
- For Boys Dormitory (phase 1) with 130 capacity
Dining hall
- Kitchen and dining hall with:
- South Wing – housing: 1 office; 2 stores, and the kitchen
- North Wing – housing: the Dining Area with the capacity to seat 200
- Courtyard un-roofed (to save as open-air dining area with 100 seating capacity)
Houses for Teachers & Staff:
- Three (3) Bed-Room Bungalow – 2 units,
- Two (2) Bed Room Bungalow – 2 units, and
- Eleven (11) self-contained bedsitters
School Innovation
- In 2021- A football field was built
- Breakthrough inventions for storing food using charcoal
- Students have made over 20 robots and inventions to help with school activities and save money
- Rain water harvesting program
- School Gardening produces 60kls of vegetables every week.